The Maintenance Superintendents Association was formed in 1962 and was Incorporated on February 18, 1966. It has grown from two Chapters, comprised of about 100 members since inception, to 10 Chapters.

The governing board of the Association is the Executive Board (E-Board), consisting of two delegates from each Chapter. Delegates shall be Regular, Life and/or Associate Members of the respective Chapters. Additionally, the Executive Board consists of three Vendor Members. The E-Board meets three times a year.
There are currently 10 active Chapters through California and Arizona. Each Chapter has its own governing Board with two delegates on the Executive Board. Visit the Chapters page for more information.
MSA proudly recognizes many members for various accomplishments. The Executive Board and Chapters annually award the Peter W. Walsh, Stellar Vendor, and Founders Awards. Chapters also recognize Member and Vendors of the Year. Visit our Awards page for more information.