The 2021 Winter Semester of the MSA Public Works Specialist Certification online program is about the start.
Registration opens October 27, 2021 through November 26, 2021, with classes starting December 6, 2021. Registrations must be received before 5:00 PM on November 26, 2021 (registrations received after 5PM PST will be held until the next semester).
Semester is scheduled to start December 6, 2021.
If you have questions, you should contact Lory Warren, MSA Education Director at MSAeducation@mainsupt.com. To get registered, please go to https://www.mainsupt.com/events/public-works-specialist-certification-program and follow the directions, selecting the course(s) you wish to take. Late registrations may delay the start time and/or push you back to the next semester.
Tuition is $85.00 per class, all course material is supplied (can be paid online by credit card or check).
Courses Available
Introduction to Public Works (prerequisite for all classes)
Asphalt Concrete and Portland Concrete Cement
Concrete Structures and Inspections
Contract Administration
Cost Estimating and Construction Math
Municipal and Urban Trees
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
OSHA for Public Works
Plans Interpretation
Street Construction and Maintenance
Traffic Control Standards
For more information:
Contact Education Director Lory Warren at MSAeducation@mainsupt.com or visit the MSA webpage at https://www.mainsupt.com/pw-specialist-certification.